On a Better Job


MyStandard’s tokenomics are designed to promote the network’s growth by rewarding its most important members: users and holders.

Our approach is a token model that avoids complexities or disadvantages for these key groups. The allocation of our tokens is purposeful, ensuring that neither our team nor the company can negatively impact the market by selling off tokens unexpectedly


Presale allocations, constituting less than 5% of the total supply, have been selected with strategic
foresight, aiming for long-term network health and stability.

We have implemented no immediate token unlocks, opting instead for a gradual distribution schedule that aims for full circulation in a manner that supports steady growth and maintains market confidence.

  • Token Symbol: $MYST
  • Token Format: ERC-20, Avalanche C-Chain
  • Maximum Supply: 1,000,000,000
  • Initial circulating supply: 100,000,000 (10%)
Community Incentives:

  • 250,000,000 (25%)
  • These tokens are reserved to encourage users to set up searchable profiles, validate information on themselves, and to be valuable and contributing members of MyStandard. These behaviors include but will not be limited to, using new products and services on MyStandard, engaging with organizations about openings, and buying goods and services on the platform. These tokens are uncirculated, but become circulated through rewards to users’ profiles. These tokens are expected to be sent out via these incentivized behaviors over the course of 10 years.

    Public/Organization Access:

  • 225,000,000 (22.5%)
  • Tokens sold to organizations for data requests, incentives for network participation and data validation. These tokens are uncirculated and find circulation through organizations sending rewarded or purchased tokens to users’ wallets. These tokens are expected to be sent out via data request payouts over the course of 10 years.

    Staking Rewards:

  • 200,000,000 (20%)
  • Tokens awarded to organizations or users who lock their tokens up for a 6% APY reward rate. These tokens are uncirculated and find circulation through users or organizations receiving tokens from staking. This portion is subject to an initial lock up of 9 months post-TGE or when staking is live. These tokens are expected to be sent out over the course of 10 years.
  • Grants
  • 50,000,000 (5%)
  • MyStandard will host events, conduct developer outreach, and other activities to encourage builders to enhance the platform with new use cases for users’ data. These tokens are uncirculated and find circulation through organizations sending rewarded or purchased tokens to users’ wallets. Initially locked for 2 years post-TGE, these tokens are afterwards expected to be sent out over the course of 8 years.
    Pre-Sale Investors:

  • 44,569,312 (4.457%)
  • Tokens distributed to early backers of MyStandard. These tokens are uncirculated and find circulation through unlocks to investors. These tokens are expected to be unlocked in tiers in the following tranches: 2 months post-TGE, 6 months post-TGE and 12 months post-TGE.

    Core Team

  • 50,000,000 (5%)
  • Tokens distributed to the core team of MyStandard who started the company from nothing but a vision of empowering users with their sovereign data. These will be locked for 1 year, be options for employees’ purchase based on ownership within the
    company and be vested for 4 years with a 1 year cliff and monthly vesting afterwards.


  • 35,000,000 (3.5%)
  • MyStandard will use token incentives to hire the best talent to grow the company and platform. These tokens are uncirculated and find circulation through distribution to new employees through options contracts with vesting periods. Initially locked for 1 year, afterwards these tokens are expected to be sent out over the course of 8 years.


  • 20,000,000 (2%)
  • These tokens are distributed to organizations for refunds and promotional purposes at the discretion of the senior management team. In the early stages, while MyStandard’s network establishes its footing, promotions to encourage companies to take risks are often needed. These tokens are not locked, require full senior leadership approval and find circulation after awarded tokens are sent to users.


  • 20,000,000 (2%)
  • MyStandard will hold a Treasury of tokens that can be used at our discretion. While most crypto-based companies rely on this reserve to sustain their business, MyStandard has a scaling revenue model built into its business and these tokens are
    not expected to be needed. However, in the case that MyStandard requires a liquidity injection, we have these in our treasury. These tokens are uncirculated and find circulation through sale by MyStandard, with an initial lock up of 2 years post-TGE.